Best Pacifiers for Breastfed Babies
As a new mama, calming your baby is crucial for both their well-being and your peace of mind. Soothing a fussy baby is a top priority, and sometimes, a pacifier…
As a new mama, calming your baby is crucial for both their well-being and your peace of mind. Soothing a fussy baby is a top priority, and sometimes, a pacifier…
12 steps to successful breastfeeding learned from years of IBCLC work Can you guess what the most common question or concern is for new and expecting mamas? Yes, the title…
The Position and Latch Checklist breaks down the breastfeeding process into easy-to-follow steps, available as an interactive tool on our website and a downloadable PDF. This guide is a resource created from our experience helping hundreds of new mamas. It introduces the importance of positioning and latch in 4 Simple Steps.
Oxytocin is often called the relaxation, cuddle, love, and mothering hormone. It’s a super hormone that plays a vital role in labor, skin-to-skin contact, and of course, breastfeeding. Oxytocin is…
A shallow latch is a common but oh-so-painful issue when breastfeeding. If your baby has a shallow latch, it can cause nipple pain and cause your baby not to get…
For new mamas, breastfeeding can be a daunting experience. To help, it’s important to understand the basics of a good latch. Signs of a good latch include your baby’s mouth open wide, lips flared out, chin touching breast, and a line from their ear, shoulder, and hip.
If you mention nipple pain at all in the hospital, you’re more likely to get handed a nipple shield with potentially no instruction. Here’s the reality, nipple shields are meant…
It’s important to express yourself, and I’m not talking about expressing emotions right now. 😉 Hand expressing breastmilk is a vital breastfeeding skill for breastfeeding health and success. This post…
We feel confident that as a breastfeeding mama, you’ve had at least one of these questions: You’re not alone! We’re here to help. As a group of mamas, we know…