The Lactation Collection (TLC) is a team of IBCLCs dedicated to offering breastfeeding education and resources to help mamas achieve their breastfeeding goals.
Blog post reference
A good latch is fundamental in breastfeeding; it allows your baby to effectively and comfortably remove milk. But, a poor latch can lead to issues like nipple pain, cracked or bleeding nipples, and decreased milk supply.
Breastfeeding Latch: The First Fundamental of Breastfeeding
Overview of the guide
The Position and Latch Checklist breaks down the breastfeeding process into easy-to-follow steps, available as an interactive tool on our website and a downloadable PDF.
This guide is a resource created from our experience helping hundreds of new mamas. It’s the first internal resource we’re making publicly available. We have typically reserved these resources for clients after a consultation. While it’s not a replacement for personalized consultations, we believe it will significantly aid your breastfeeding journey.
Key sections of the guide
The guide introduces the importance of positioning and latch in 4 Simple Steps, includes a quick video demonstration, and provides detailed items for each step. It concludes with an invitation for further assistance from healthcare professionals if needed.
Benefits of using the guide
This guide is an easy-to-follow, interactive tool, born from real-world experience. It’s especially unique for its interactive interface, allowing new mamas to track their progress step by step. Also available as a downloadable PDF, it’s a handy reference for any breastfeeding challenges.
Who can benefit from the guide?
Expecting mamas seeking reliable information on breastfeeding, and new mamas experiencing challenges with positioning and latch will find this guide particularly useful.
How to access the guide
Visit The Position and Latch Checklist page. The page starts with an introduction, a brief table of contents, and the PDF cover image with download links. The page is interactive, allowing readers to mark off each step as they complete it.
The downloadable PDF has a cover plus the 2-page guide that contains all the information from the page.
Go check them out.
Use and share the guide
We encourage you to use this guide. Bookmark it for future reference, and share it with anyone about to start their breastfeeding journey.
Your feedback is invaluable; connect with us on Instagram, Facebook, or through our contact form to share your experiences or suggestions for improvement.
This guide is informational and not a substitute for professional medical advice. If you have any concerns or complications, we strongly advise seeking proper medical assistance. For personalized advice and support, consider booking a consultation with us.