How to Fix a Shallow Latch & Get Baby to Latch Deeper
A shallow latch is a common but oh-so-painful issue when breastfeeding. If your baby has a shallow latch, it can cause nipple pain and cause your baby not to get…
Continued breastfeeding support, developmental milestones, and potential health concerns.
A shallow latch is a common but oh-so-painful issue when breastfeeding. If your baby has a shallow latch, it can cause nipple pain and cause your baby not to get…
Yes, it’s legal in every state in the US. And it’s time we normalize nature’s way! Hey Mama! Let’s chat about something as natural as breathing—breastfeeding. It’s a huge part…
You’re sitting at your laptop, creating your baby registry. You scroll and see a suggestion to add pacifiers. You know you want to breastfeed, but what are the recommendations for…
For new mamas, breastfeeding can be a daunting experience. To help, it’s important to understand the basics of a good latch. Signs of a good latch include your baby’s mouth open wide, lips flared out, chin touching breast, and a line from their ear, shoulder, and hip.
As a mom of twins, I have firsthand experience with breastfeeding them. I breastfed A and G until they were 15 months old. At that point, I was mentally and…
If you mention nipple pain at all in the hospital, you’re more likely to get handed a nipple shield with potentially no instruction. Here’s the reality, nipple shields are meant…
You had your baby, you started your breastfeeding journey, and then suddenly, your supply dips or your baby wants more. What gives?! Well, I’m here to tell you supply dips…
If you’re reading this, you already know that pumping is a fantastic asset to a breastfeeding journey. Most people don’t know that you need to be replacing your pump parts…
You’re all in: you’ve committed to relactating—but how? This post will walk you through how to relactate. If you want to learn more about relactation, read this post on Relactation….
If you have ever wondered, “Can I breastfeed after I’ve already stopped?” The answer is a very big “YES!” Relactation might be overwhelming. We are here to help guide you…