Hear what other mama’s have to say about us.

I had always thought of breastfeeding as an innate thing that I was just going to know how to do — you have a baby, you breastfeed, simple as that. It wasn’t until I read some things near my due date that I panicked and thought, “Hang on a second, I don’t know where to even begin.”
I’m so thankful my husband and I took Anna’s breastfeeding course. After three short hours we felt armed with so much interesting and useful information. I went from feeling like I knew nothing, to feeling like I knew enough to confidently begin breastfeeding my child.
After delivery, I scheduled an in-home consultation with Anna to check my son’s latch and discuss some of my concerns. Anna addressed all of my questions and concerns in an efficient and thorough manner. There was no wasted time in our session and again I felt armed with the information I needed to confidently take care of my child.
I will continue using Anna’s services as I hit breastfeeding roadblocks along the way. Having an experienced lactation consultant on your team is a huge help and worth every penny!
My husband and I attended one of your breastfeeding courses last year in preparation for having our first baby. I wanted SO badly to be successful in breastfeeding, for purpose of bonding with my baby and providing to him all of the benefits of nursing. Here we are, my son is 8 1/2 months old, and we have had absolutely the very best nursing experience, and we’re going strong! I just wanted to thank you for helping me feel confident in nursing, and in giving me all of the tips and support to make it happen! My husband attended the course with me and has been able to be the best support ever. Thank you a million times. My baby couldn’t be healthier, stronger, or more perfect. I’ve loved nursing!
10 Months Later: I’m almost at 18 months of nursing my son, and I couldn’t have been as successful as I have been if I hadn’t attended your course. So from the bottom of my heart, THANK YOU!
Anna is knowledgeable, calm and helped me get where I wanted to be in regards to feeding my baby much faster than I anticipated. I highly recommend her for any questions you have or help you need when it comes to feeding your baby.
When I found out I was pregnant, I did not think that I would breastfeed my daughter. I was uncomfortable with the idea of it and planned to formula feed from the start. However as my due date approached I began to wonder if nursing was something that I should try and so I attended a Breastfeeding Basics class taught by Anna.
The class was perfect for me and gave me the right knowledge and the confidence to give nursing a shot. I was motivated to nurse and felt a lot more comfortable and prepared to do so.
After my daughter was born I experienced some challenges nursing and honestly felt like giving up, so I asked Anna to come to my home for a breastfeeding consultation. She was awesome! She was extremely helpful and after assessing me and my daughter, she was able to give me great advice and solve the issues I was having.
She has checked in on me and followed up with me and has has been available for any questions or concerns that I’ve had throughout this journey. Anna has been invaluable to me as I’ve navigated certain challenges of nursing and I owe my success of sticking with it and actually enjoying the whole experience of it to her.
If you are leaning towards nursing your child and want to be more prepared or even if you are like I was and don’t think you will nurse, I couldn’t recommend reaching out to Anna or attending her course any more. You seriously won’t regret it!
Thank you for your help! I’m so glad that I reached out to you. Breastfeeding has become so much easier and more enjoyable.
I had my second daughter and was excited to start on my breast feeding journey with her. Moments after she was born, she seemed to latch right on, and I instantly thought I was going to have a great experience nursing her. But… things took a turn about a week later. I had the toe-curling pain when she would first latch on, I thought it was just normal, and soon the pain would be a distant memory, so I persevered.
At about 9 days in, my nipples were unrecognizable. I was in a lot of pain. I was sure I was doing something wrong. I began to feel defeated, and in the throws of a very hormonal postpartum period, where sleep deprivation and anxiety were at an all time high, I began to wonder if breastfeeding was not to happen this time around. This had me very sad and depressed. I knew I wanted to give it my all, and that’s when I contacted Anna Burch.
Anna was very sympathetic, and offered plenty of encouragement and advice by email, before coming to my home to observe a feeding. Once there, she was able to check into my baby’s mouth to evaluate her suck, and she determined that had a tongue tie. I made an appointment with a pediatric dentist the next day, and it was confirmed, she was both tongue and lip tied and needed a frenectomy.
I was so happy to know that there was a solution that would aid in my continuation of nursing. We did the procedure, but my nipples were still in no condition to nurse, and I needed time to heal. For three weeks, I pumped in order to keep my milk supply. This was the hardest part of the whole experience. I didn’t want to pump, I wanted to nurse. This is where Anna’s continual encouragement and empowerment made the biggest difference.
She would check in on me and offer advice and always have a kind word. She helped me through the healing process by telling me how to take care of my nipples, and how to pick the right flange size for pumping. She came to my home again, to help me with positioning and latching, and to ensure Emery was able to remove milk effectively.
Beyond that, and perhaps the most important thing she offered, she wanted me to know that I could get through it, that I would heal, and that I would be able to have a great nursing experience. She was very encouraging. I am so grateful to her for her knowledge and support!
I highly recommend Anna from Prenatal Insights to help mothers with breastfeeding!!
Three days after the birth of my third daughter I was ready to give up on my goal to breastfeed exclusively.
I had trouble teaching my sweet baby to latch properly and subsequently got double mastitis. I was not sleeping because I was pumping and feeding and both were on different schedules. It was miserable.
Luckily, I got in touch with Anna and she came right away to help. She reassured me that my technique was good and to look into possible tongue-tie issues. Both Amelia and I kept working at it and I was able to successfully breastfeed exclusively for 6 months!
I am so grateful for Anna’s patience and expertise because I wouldn’t have been able to reach my goal. Thank you, Anna!!
Anna came to me when I had just about given up on breastfeeding. I had been using a nipple shield with a syringe and catheter that I would supplement formula through in order to continue to try and breastfeed alternating with using the breast shield alone which would take over an hour.
I was frustrated and had given up when Anna came and helped me to get my son off of the breast shield. We were able to weigh him and confirm that he was transferring enough milk. This cut down on about 45 min of breastfeeding because my son was not transferring enough milk through the breast shield.
She was so helpful and answered all my questions about listening to my baby’s cues, how often to feed, comforting my baby and appropriate techniques for breastfeeding. She also had many great tips on how to treat painful nipples and increase milk supply.
I cannot thank her enough for helping me to be able to breastfeed my son. Not only does he get all the great benefits of breastfeeding but we also get that special time to bond with each other. I cannot say enough about her services and what she did to help turn frustration into a wonderful time that I can now enjoy.